Monday, January 16 all times.

sometimes, when you give up on someone, it’s not because you don’t care anymore, but rather because you realize they don’t.
something very simple, but yet so profound: Whosoever does good must know that it is from Allah (Azza-wa-jall) and it is only He who allowed him to do so; and whosoever is protected from evil, must know that it is Allah (Azza-wa-jall) who protected him and there is no one else who can do so.
at all times, be firm in your heart. Ibn Ata’illah stated:
“Relieve yourself of worry after you have planned; do not concern yourself with what Allah has undertaken on your behalf.”
P.S. Mon professeur bien-aimé, cahaya kiriman Ilahi.

p/s: in one day 3 great events happened. final exam 2 paper in a row, really a headache for me, but alhamdulillah everything will be fine because : "bersangka baik, justeru ALLAH akan menurut sangka hambaNYA. Bila kita bersangka baik, kita akan mendapat yang terbaik. amin". at least now i have to focus on Deutsch and i'll be free to pack everything and rest for a while before start pushing myself for my annual camp. sigh~   

and zum geburgstag mein freunde yesterday. happy 22rd, and now we're even. ^ ^ _  wish and hoping you'll be happy and all the best in your amazing life. selamat ber-DSLR ye DSLR guy!  i'll find someone like you no matter what. definitely!  selamat berAnnual camp. O_o/  

Mon bien aimé, tuntuni aku hingga ke syurga.
